How to set up and use trigger
Run the workflow when a message is posted in a Slack channel. Follow these steps:
*For more information on the integration needed, visit the related article in the Integrations collection.
Add a Slack Message Trigger: Create a workflow with a Slack Message Trigger, use an existing workflow with a Slack Message Trigger, or change an existing workflow's trigger type to a Slack Message Trigger.
Add Slack connection: If you haven't already, connect your Slack account to Cassidy.
Choose the Message Event Type: Select either "Message in Channel" to run the workflow when a message is posted in a Slack channel, or "Direct Message" to trigger the workflow when a direct message is sent to Cassidy.
Select the Channel (if Message in Channel): If you chose "Message in Channel", select the Slack channel where you want the trigger to listen for messages.
β*Private channels will only be visible once Cassidy has been added to them. In the desired channel, send: /invite @CassidyActivate the trigger: In the Slack Message Trigger block, click the toggle switch to turn it on.